Category: News

What is Eye Movement Desensitisation Therapy ?(EMDR)

Eye Ball

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. It is a unique, powerful therapy that helps people recover from problems triggered by traumatic events in their lives. It stops difficult memories causing so much distress by helping the brain to reprocess them properly, working with memory to heal the legacy of past pain” (EMDR Association UK)

Terrible twos and a new baby

Terrible Twos Toddler

As my own family has increased through the next generation I have had the opportunity to reflect n sibling rivalry. Managing the impact on the toddler of the newborn baby can be one of the hardest tasks for parents. Intense jealousy is a new feeling for the toddler and can… Read More»

The Cost of Living

Young woman sitting

The idea of the Cost of Living is prominent in the media currently and for many people, it is at a crisis level. I heard a journalist recently say that the idea of a Cost of Living Crisis is explained inadequately in the short snappy phrase which may partly, be… Read More»

Should We be Afraid? Look After Yourself

woman with face mask and umberella

There seems to be a daily headline these days to make us fear something. We hear of COVID-19 deaths and infection rates, we are told of high risk groups and advised how to keep ourselves safe. There are stories of people in distress and those irresponsibly stock-piling.