Welcome to the Web Site!
The web site was launched today (23 April 2012) without any fuss or fanfare. It’s a pity really, because it takes such a lot of time and planning that it feels like it deserves some form of celebration. The main driver for the site is of course, to promote Brighton Therapy Service and let people know more about what we do and to give a way for people to get in touch. Over time, more content will be posted and the intention is to build up a useful source of information. The focus will be on Integrative Arts Psychotherapy and therapy and counseling in general as well as other topics. Maybe tips on parenting or some guidance on particular problems. I might do the occasional book review or mini essay or here in the News section, just offer up some local chit-chat about me, psychotherapy and Brighton and Hove.
You may be here to find out a bit more about therapy in general, integrative arts psychotherapy in particular or to inquire about arranging therapy. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please get in touch through the contact page.
If you have something in particular you would like covered then please let Michele know or comment through these News Items.