Child and Adult psychotherapy and counselling at Biopunt in Ibiza
Michelei is currently working in Ibiza and is able to see people at Biopunt this is a great location just outside San Antonio. Among many things the shop sells a great range of health food/ingredients and skin care products. Read More»
Therapeutic Art Sessions and Yoga in Benirras Ibiza !
Individual Therapeutic Art Sessions
From April 29th to May 27th Michele will be working on a yoga retreat in Ibiza offering individual creative art sessions. Read More»
Invisible String
Invisible String – Establishing Safety for children
This series is inspired by Rose’s reading of a children’s book called Invisible String about helping children to feel safe and attached by Patrice Karst. It seems helpful to think about the ideas in this book when the child or young person is starting a new school as we are at the beginning of a new school year with many transitions, new teachers, new friends and difficult challenges to face.
Children, Young People and Sleep
Sleep Advice
Sleep; we all need it and to not get the good quality stuff can lead to all kinds of problems. No wonder we think about children, young people and sleep. We want our children to get the best sleep they can so they wake up refreshed and ready for what the day throws at them. On top of that, parents need good sleep too! Having a child that unsettles your day or night because of sleeping habits or patterns that are out of kilter can be challenging and that’s why Rose Maxwell answers a few sleep based questions here. Let us know through the comments below or even use our contact form if you have any other questions. Read More»
Why do We Cry
Why do We Cry and What use are Tears?
You would think the answer to the question was simple: we cry when we are sad. But it isn’t quite as straightforward as all that in fact, it is complexity is er… eye watering! Take a look at this entertaining video to learn more. Read More»
What is Adolescence (and Why is it so Unfair?)
SICK! Festival
I picked up a programme earlier this week for the SICK! Festival which is taking place in Brighton and Hove throughout March. The festival will be,
Exploring the medical, mental, and social challenges of life and death and how we survive them (or don’t).
Serious Play
The seriousness of childishness
We often think of play as a childish activity which makes us think of spontaneity and impulsivity, or activity that is unstructured and free but I want to suggest that it’s nothing trivial and consider just how serious play can be. Our expression, “child’s play,” makes me think that we think play is an easy business but in reality, when our children play they are engaged in activities that will help them through life in a number of ways. It’s not just about burning energy or keeping them occupied; it might just be the cement that helps construct well rounded personalities from the building blocks of learning. Read More»